

File Formats

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Preferred File Formats for Large Format Engineering and Construction Drawings

We use an OCE 9600 printer running REPRODESK software (a tool for viewing and printing files).
We can print the following file types:
Preferred File formats:
.tif or .cal files
.pdf files
.plt files (from Autocad)* see below

Autocad plot files: We do not to work with native Autocad files (.dwg, .dxf, etc.) for the following reasons:
We don’t have the latest version of Autocad
There are many ways to set up these files and we often don’t know what the author intended
Line weights may not print as intended and scaling may not be correct
Page sizes are often not obvious
Often files are missing fonts or symbols. Substitute fonts may not print as intended. Symbols may not show up at all or not as intended
Files can be changed inadvertently and thus print incorrectly

There is a very easy solution to these problems: creating a plot file in Autocad. Any Autocad technician can use a simple process to do this:

1. Set up the HP650C plotter in Autocad. This plotter has been shown to have the best compatibility with our OCE equipment. This is a one-time effort. If it is not already configured, add the HP650C (2859b) plotter. This device will be on the list of available plotters, and can be added even if it is not physically present.

2. Refer to the Autocad help screens or manuals for the best way to set up a plot file for your version of Autocad.

Plot (.plt) files eliminate all the difficulties of native autocad files and are easy to create. A plot file configured for the correct plotter normally prints correctly on our equipment.

Preferred File Formats for Large Format Color Printing

We can print any common file type including .jpg, .tif, and .pdf files. Be sure to embed all fonts and graphics in .pdf files. The higher the quality of your file, the better it will print, especially in large sizes.

Preferred File Formats for Small Format Printing

We accept most common file formats including .tif, .jpg and .pdf. Other file formats from Microsoft and Adobe are greatly affected by versions of the program used to create the document or image.